Thursday, January 27, 2011

Sup Gearbox

 All the local soups available on the market, sup gearbox must be the one with the most unusual name. It’s really bone marrow soup. If you are familiar with sup tulang (bone soup) or sup ekor (oxtail soup), then this one is not much different.Sup gearbox is basically this huge chunk of bone in a richly flavoured soup, plus some garnishing.And the whole thing can be enjoyed with either steamed rice or bread.Another unusual thing is that sup gearbox is usually served with a knife and fork, ostensibly to make it easier to slice the leftover meat and fat. But often you will be forced to use your bare hands to tear the bone apart. Be prepared to get a little messy.

Most restaurants will normally also serve the soup with a straw. Yes, the common drinking straw. You use the straw to slurp the rich bone marrow together with a bit of soup. Yummy!